Our system comply with ISO 15874 and MS 2286 and it is applicable for two service conditions, which is Class 1 and Class 2.
The above table illustrates the classification of service conditions and the performance requirements for piping systems
conforming to ISO 15874 and MS 2286. Both standards define typical application classes as:

♦ Class 1 (supply of 60°C hot water, 50 years' service life)
♦ Class 2 (supply of 70°C hot water, 50 years' service life)

According to the standards, the maximum design pressure system is divided into four category which is 4 bar, 6 bar, 8 bar on 10 bar. This information is indicated to each pipe in the following format.

Example: CS PP-R PN 10 (Blue Stripe)

Class 1/6 bar, Class 2/4 bar indicates that the pipe is intended for use:

♦ in 60°C hot water installation with 6 bar service pressure and 50 years' service life (class 1/6 bar)
♦ in 70°C hot water installation with 4 bar service pressure and 50 years' service life (class 2/4 bar)

The table below explains on the design pressure Po rating to S series of PP-R pipes for hot water application.
Moreover, the tables also illustrates on the PN rating to S series of PP-R pipe for cold water application.
CSPP-R Pipe indicated with red stripes is for hot water application while blue stripes is for cold water application.

Pipe series and their design pressure for each application:
S 5.0/ SDR 11.0 (PN 10) class 1/6 bar class 2/4 bar
S 3.2 / SDR 7.4 (PN 16) class 1/8 bar class 2/6 bar
S 2.5 / SDR 6.0 (PN 20) class 1/10 bar class 2/8 bar